Standards, Petitions, and Appeals

留校察看和开除学籍是可能产生严重后果的过程的一部分.  因学业原因被开除会严重限制你未来对大学和专业的选择.  If you are on financial aid, veteran’s assistance, or a family health insurance policy, 除非你采取措施提高你的学术地位,否则你将面临失去资助的风险.  如果你不确定你的学术地位,我们建议你尽快与顾问一起访问. 请充分利用您的认证顾问提供的帮助和指导,这样您就可以避免未来出现更严重的情况. 

What is Academic Probation?

任何学期开始时学业成绩良好,但累计GPA未达到2分的学生.0 or higher are placed on Academic Probation.

 What happens if I am placed on Academic Probation?

Student status is evaluated after each semester. Students must earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher to remain enrolled while on Academic Probation.  

留校察看的学生可以在与认证顾问会面后重新注册一个学期. 学生最多只能注册12个小时,并需要向其认证顾问提交进度报告. Students should be recommended to enroll in Strategies for Success, SDEV0171. Students must earn a C or higher to successfully complete the course.

What is Continued Academic Probation?

After the first (1) semester term of Academic Probation Status, 在与学术顾问会面后,学生可以以持续学术试用状态重新注册澳门新葡京博彩区.

继续学习见习的学生应该被推荐参加SDEV 0171. 学生必须取得C或C以上的成绩才能顺利完成这门课程.

Student status is evaluated after each completed semester/session. Students must meet minimum academic (2.0 GPA)标准,直到学生的累积GPA达到2为止.0.

当学生获得一个学期和累计学分时,继续留校察看身份将被取消.0 GPA.


If at the end of the semester your semester GPA is not at least a 2.0, you will be placed on Academic Dismissal.

If placed on Academic Dismissal you will have the following options:  

Sit out for at least one semester.

If you do not wish to sit out, you may be considered 与认证顾问一起访问,提交学术解雇请愿书,以便在下个学期入学. 这些咨询会议从注册的第一天开始,必须在您提交上诉的学期开始前不迟于10个工作日完成.

Students on 1st Academic Dismissal will be limited to 6-8 hours maximum enrollment.

If you plan on attending summer school while on academic dismissal, 您需要在注册之前与经过认证的顾问交谈,并且您最多将被限制为 4 hours.

Students on 1st Academic Dismissal are required to enroll in SDEV0171. Students must earn a C or higher to successfully complete this course.

What is Second Academic Dismissal?

第二次学术解雇发生在被学术解雇的学生在申请学期没有成功并且学期GPA低于2的情况下.0 or do not meet all of the petition requirements. 一旦最终成绩公布,学生将通过ace电子邮件收到通知,告知他们的状态. 被第二次学术解雇的学生在提交申请重新注册圣安东尼奥学院之前,需要坐满16周的学期.


If your petition for re-enrollment is approved, 你将被限制在不超过6-8小时,你将被要求采取SDEV0171. 完成SDEV0171的学生在第一次学术解雇期间获得C或更高的成绩将不需要重新参加课程.

Third/Permanent Dismissal

被三次或三次以上开除学籍的学生不得申请或注册至少一个完整学年(秋季/春季/夏季)。. After sitting out the required length of time, 学生必须联系他们所选专业/学位的院长办公室进行申请程序.